Temple of Khonsu

Located with the large Precinct of Amun-Re at Karnak, in Luxor, Egypt, the Temple of Khonsu is an example of an almost complete New Kingdom temple, and was originally constructed by Ramesses III, on the site of an earlier temple (the construction seems to be mentioned in the Harris Papyrus).[1] The gateway of this temple is at the end of the avenue of sphynxes that ran to the Luxor Temple. In Ptolemaic times, Ptolemy III Euergetes constructed a great gateway and enclosure wall for the temple, only the gateway now remains (see below). Inscriptions inside the forecourt of the temple were made in the time of Herihor.

The hypostyle hall was erected by Nectanebo I, and is not of a great size, inside were found 2 baboons that appear to have been carved in the time of Seti I, and therefore probably belong to the earlier building on the site.

Frequently blocks with unmatching and inverted decorations can been seen, showing the amount of reconstruction and reuse of material from the surrounding temple complexes, especially in Ptolemaic times.

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  1. ^ The Khonsu Temple at Karnak